Friday, November 13, 2009

A new skirt

Last night, I whipped up a pleated skirt to fit Tonner's 16" fashion dolls. I'd seen another doll seamstress offer these for sale, but she stopped offering them before I ever got around to purchasing one. Luckily, a friend bought several, and shared a description of their construction. I found some woven plaid fabric in my stash, and came up with the following "school girl" style pleated skirt. In this prototype, I left the hem as a fringe; next time I'll sew a proper hem. My model wears a sweater I made from a sock, and the boots are by Kingstate. The pictures were taken during a brief sunbreak today, so they are slightly less than perfect.


  1. This came out great! I think the plaid is a perfect scale for her size, too. I love it! :)

    As an aside, does Kingstate make boots in MSD size, by chance?

  2. I would love it if Kingstate made boots like these in MSD size! But these boots are an old style that they probably don't make anymore...
